We Are Fort Block Games
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Fort Block Games is an independent multifaceted game company, developing multiple titles in the FBG ecosystem. Started by a team of dedicated professionals from the industry, FBG is using it's expertise to provide a complete experience for competitive gamers and fans, merging the world of gamefi and mainstream gaming.
FBG's flagship title, TAKEOVER combines the best parts of first-person shooters and new mechanics to create a new level of skill and a unique experience that does not exist in the gaming market. This multiplayer competitive game is currently in development with the core mechanics in place and playable.
Not only is FBG bringing a breath of fresh air to the shooter genre but also incorporating blockchain in a familiar way for mainstream gamers to adopt and reap the benefits of its implementation. In addition to traditional ways to use tokens, like purchasing game items, players will also see new exciting ways to experience their favorite game with features like earning tokens by reaching achievements, skill based token wagering, and more. It is important to clarify that Fort Block Games does not provide any gambling or casino-style activities.
Fort Block Games also focuses on growth and strategic relationships. The team has grown since launch, and has acquired the watch-to-earn streaming platform ESPORTPLAYER, and created a strong partnership with Immutable X.
As the industry shifts toward blockchain gaming, leading companies such as Sony are starting to incorporate Web3 gaming into their products.$FBG aims to create an environment that connects Web3 to a broader gaming ecosystem, utilizing blockchain in innovative ways not currently available for both gamefi & mainstream competitive gamers. Fort Block Games is providing a fun gaming experience that is nurtured with an innovative community element, to keep fans coming back for more.
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